Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Daily Vitamins

Highly processed foods contain little vitamins. Unfortunately, processed foods are almost always present in school meals. Even the vegetables served are normally low in vitamin and mineral content. This is because the techniques farmers use to maximize output and minimize cost are lowering the nutritional value of their produce. As a result, an extra step must be taken in order to keep children healthy, the use of vitamin supplements. Vitamins prove to be an easy way to make sure your child is receiving the recommended amount of vitamins in one, easy step. It is important to not that health problems can develop if your children do not get the recommended amount of vitamins on a regular basis. Lifestyle habits, both good and bad, begin at an early age. Make sure your child’s habits are healthy for them.

In the meantime, push to improve the school lunch menu at your child's school. The more nutritious their foods, the less imperative it is for them to take vitamin supplements.

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